Legislative and Campaign Law Section

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A Message from Our Chair

Hugh Brady
Legislative and Campaign Law Section
State Bar of Texas
Greetings! I’m Hugh Brady, and I am honored to serve as the Chair of our Section for 2021-2022, alongside the Officers and Councilmembers listed below. Thank you for being a member of this Section, and for supporting the development of a strong, professional community of legislative and campaign law attorneys in Texas.
And many thanks to Immediate Past Chair Royce Poinsett for his hard work in ensuring a successful 2020-2021.
Our section was created in 2014, and has quickly become one of the fastest growing and most dynamic sections in Texas. In the midst of the challenges of COVID-19, our section is committed to providing our membership with continued high-value offerings in the form of informative newsletters, substantive CLE courses and fun social/networking events.
The best source for updated information on Section activities is our website at: www.legislativeandcampaignlaw.com
You can also follow the Section on our new LinkedIn page at www.linkedin.com/company/lcl-section
I look forward to seeing many of you in the year to come. Please reach out to me and the other officers and council members anytime we can be of assistance.
Hugh Brady
Chair, Legislative and Campaign Law Section
University of Texas School of Law