About the Legislative & Campaign Law Section
Connecting and educating Texas Attorneys in the Legislative and Campaign practice.
About Our Section
The Legislative and Campaign Law Section is one of the newest and fastest growing sections of the State Bar of Texas. Lawyers in this Section practice at the intersection of law, policymaking and politics, guiding clients in navigating legal issues involving the operation and regulation of legislative institutions and governmental agencies, professional lobbying, public integrity and government transparency, state agency appropriations and procurement, and elections and campaign finance.
The Section continues to work with the Texas Board of Legal Specialization (TBLS) to establish the new certification in Legislative and Campaign Law. The Texas Supreme Court issued an order in December 2019 approving the certification, an applications commission has begun accepting applications, and an exam commission is now drafting the certification exam. Should you have any questions about certification, please visit: https://www.tbls.org/specialtyarea/LC
The Section’s recent CLE events have covered topics such as legislative drafting, legislative procedure, lobby ethics, campaign finance laws, the Texas Sunset Advisory Commission process, state agency procurement and an insider’s preview of the 2019 Texas Legislature. We are planning similarly relevant and informative CLE events for the coming year.
The Section issues regular newsletters throughout the year, featuring updates on legislative and state agency activities, court decisions, Texas Ethics Commission rulemaking and opinions, election and campaign finance developments and other issues of interest to the Legislative and Campaign Law practitioner.
The Section also hosts multiple social gatherings each year to help its members make new connections in our growing practice area.
Council Members
